
How To Fix Lift Powder Nail

Durable, long-lasting dip enhancements are ideal for on-the-go clients, peculiarly during the hustle of the holiday season. Just what happens when something goes amiss? "Dipping powder provides beautiful results and is currently in high demand, simply it can exist a mess if done incorrectly," says Marilyn Garcia, Cuccio global director of educational activity and brand ambassador. Hither, Garcia walks us through solutions to some of the virtually mutual dipping powder bug: lifting, cracking and expanding.


The Problem: Lifting

Lifting occurs when dipping powder doesn't properly adhere to the boom. As with lifting of all types of enhancements, this outcome stems from the prepping stage of the service. The nail plate must be free of debris and moisture to ensure proper adhesion.

The Solution

Take extra time with your prep steps if y'all find that clients' dip nails are lifting. Use a practiced cuticle remover to release any dead pare from the smash plate. "I like to use a 180-grit file to lightly buff the surface of the nail; it gives just the right texture to the nail surface to promote adhesion," says Garcia. Follow with a primer to dehydrate the blast before applying the base.

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The Trouble: Swell

Vertical cracking occurs when the product is practical unevenly between layers and coats. The angle in which the brush is held plays a critical role: "If the brush is tilted upright and perpendicular to the nail, product builds unevenly and creates hills and ridges, which tin atomic number 82 to corking," says Garcia. Likewise, dipping the finger into the pulverization at 90 degrees (i.e., straight upwardly and downwards) volition as well lead to an uneven surface.

The Solution

To ensure even application, hold the castor parallel to the smash, moving it from the cuticle to the free edge in long strokes. So, guide the blast into the dipping pulverization at a 45-degree angle to ensure a smoothen pulverization surface.

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The Trouble: Expanding

Maintaining color within the boundaries of the nail tin be hard—even when using thin coats and layers of product. "Dipping pulverisation absorbs product quickly and tends to spread over sidewalls and cuticles if it isn't properly practical," says Garcia.

The Solution

Apply adhesive on three-quarters of the blast, leaving a pocket-sized margin below the cuticle. Dip the finger in the offset coat of dip pulverization at a 45-caste angle. Tap off the excess. Use a 2nd coat of adhesive, this time leaving only a sliver of space below the cuticle. Echo the dipping process. Working in minor increments—even dipping upwards to three times—getting closer to the cuticle as you utilize will help avoid flooding the cuticle and side walls with colour.


Glitter Wars

Working with glitter can be tricky no matter what the medium, and glitter dip is no different. "Glitter dipping pulverisation is coarser and contains larger particles than basic color powders, then information technology tends to get bulky with each glaze," says Marilyn Garcia. After the second coat of glitter dip, utilize a 3rd glaze of adhesive, and guide the blast into clear dipping pulverisation to cover the entire nail, encasing the large glitter particles without bulking or expanding past the cuticle or sidewalls. Garcia teaches this procedure with the mantra, "Glitter, glitter, clear!"

Do Your Dipping Powder Techniques with These Must-Have Products


1. OPI Edge 180 Dust File
2. REVEL Boom Dip Pulverization D123 Playful
three. CUCCIO PRO Pulverization Dip Polish Deep Silver Glitter
iv. SNS Gelous Color 319
five. CND CuticleAway

–by Angelina Lewis

[Images: Courtesy of Armando Sanchez and Brooks Ayola]


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