
How To Fix A Black Nail

Subungual Hematoma Facts

Pictured is a subungual hematoma three-and-one-half weeks after the original injury.

Pictured is a subungual hematoma 3-and-one-one-half weeks after the original injury.

  • A subungual hematoma is a drove of claret in the space between the nail bed and fingernail or toenail.
  • Subungual hematomas result from a straight injury to the blood vessels nether the fingernail or toenail.
  • The pressure generated by this collection of blood under the blast causes intense hurting.
  • Subungual hematoma is a common type of fingertip injury.

What Causes a Subungual Hematoma?

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  • Subungual hematomas about commonly form subsequently a beat injury to the tip of the finger or toe.
  • This injury can occur in many ways:
    • Hitting your finger with a hammer
    • Dropping a heavy object on your toe
    • Closing your finger in a door

What Are Subungual Hematoma Symptoms and Signs?

  • Claret underneath a fingernail or toenail is a subungual hematoma.
    • You will have a discoloration of cerise, maroon, bluish-black, or other dark color beneath the nail later on an injury.
  • The most common symptom is intense pain.
    • Pressure level generated between the nail and the nail bed, where the blood collects, causes this pain.
    • The pain may as well be caused by other injuries such as a tuft fracture (intermission) to the underlying bone, a cut in the smash bed, or bruising to the finger or toe itself.

When to Seek Medical Care for a Subungual Hematoma

If the pain is mild and the hematoma (blood collection) is less than 25% of the area under the boom, then home care tin can exist considered.

If the hematoma is 50% or more than of the underlying smash area, then medical attending is required.

If the injury that causes the subungual hematoma is severe plenty to crusade intense hurting and tenderness, seek medical attention. The mechanism of injury for this condition tin cause a fracture to the os at the end of the finger (distal phalanx fracture) or toe or a laceration to the nail bed under the nail that may require further medical attention or nail removal.

How Do Medical Professionals Diagnose a Subungual Hematoma?

  • X-ray
    • A health care professional may take an Ten-ray to look for a fracture (break) to the underlying bone.
    • X-rays do not provide any information regarding the bleeding or hematoma germination underneath the nail.
  • Nail bed evaluation
    • Depending on the type of injury and the degree of the injury and how much claret forms under the boom, the doc may decide to remove the nail to cheque the nail bed for lacerations (cuts). While it used to be customary to have the nail removed to examine the nail bed for lacerations or injuries, this is no longer routine practise if the nail edges or margins are intact.


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What Are Subungual Hematoma Home Remedies?

  • Ice, acme (keeping your arm or leg above the level of your heart), and over-the-counter (OTC) hurting medications are recommended for modest hematomas. Wrap ice in a towel and do not apply ice directly to skin. A bag of frozen vegetables (corn or peas) wrapped in a towel works well.
  • If the hematoma involves more than than 50% of the surface area of the nail, seek medical attention.
  • If the boom was removed by the injury and the smash bed wasn't cut, the following home treatment is recommended until the nail bed begins to be less sensitive, normally in seven to ten days.
    • Twice daily soaks with antibacterial soap and water for 10-xv minutes
    • Afterward soaks, apply over-the-counter antibiotic ointment and a dry out, sterile bandage (Band-Aid).

What Are Treatment Options for a Subungual Hematoma?

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  • There are several techniques to drain the blood beneath the blast. Nail trephination or releasing the hematoma are other names for this procedure.
    • No single technique is preferred.
    • How your hematoma is tuckered depends on the experience of the medico and where it is done.
  • Occasionally, a doctor volition numb the finger or toe with a digital cake . (Your fingers and toes are called digits.) Some doctors (health care professionals) opt not to numb upwards the digits as the injection itself can crusade every bit much if not more hurting than the actual drainage of the hematoma.
    • A medical professional will inject numbing medication such as lidocaine is injected at the bottom of your finger or toe.
    • Injecting the medication here numbs the entire digit.
    • As before long equally your finger or toe is numb, the procedure tin have place.
  • The following are commonly used treatment options for draining your hematoma (nail trephination):
    • Electrocautery: A battery-operated device burns a hole in the nail until the blood is reached and drains out of the hole. This technique should not be used if the patient is wearing artificial acrylic nails which might be combustible.
    • Needle: A big diameter needle (such as an xviii-guage needle) is used to drill or bore into the smash to create a pigsty to allow the claret to drain out.
    • Paper clip cautery: Some practitioners all the same utilize this technique, although an older one. A paper clip is opened and so that the pointed end is free. Then the pointed finish is heated up, usually by passing it through a flame, and used to burn through the nail. This technique uses a combination of the cautery method and the needle method.

Subungual Hematoma Follow-up

  • After the subungual hematoma has been tuckered, follow-upward is usually not necessary.
  • Antibiotics are not routinely needed afterwards a subungual hematoma is tuckered, as infections are uncommon.
  • If the nail was removed and a cutting in the nail bed was stitched closed, yous should see your doctor in 48-72 hours for re-exam.
    • Usually, the type of sutures (stitches) placed will dissolve, so removal is not needed.
    • If non-dissolvable sutures (nylon) are placed in a nail bed laceration, they need to be removed in near vii days in the emergency section or by your doctor.
    • Close monitoring is still recommended.
    • If there is a splint over the injury, keep information technology clean and dry.

Is It Possible to Forbid a Subungual Hematoma?

Utilise common sense and practice other safety-minded actions to prevent getting your fingers slammed in doors or dropping heavy objects on your toes.

  • Steel-toed shoes are important safety equipment to wear on sure high-risk jobs such as construction.
  • Watch children's hands as yous open and close motorcar doors.
  • Requite your total attention to the task at hand. Finger injuries often happen when the person using the tool is distracted.
  • Don't elevator something you cannot handle alone. Find people to help you carry heavy objects to avoid dropping them on your toes.

What Is the Prognosis for a Subungual Hematoma?

  • Afterward the subungual hematoma is drained, the pressure beneath the nail is relieved, and the hurting decreases significantly.
  • The hole formed in the nail will remain and abound out at the charge per unit that the boom normally grows.
  • One possible risk and long-term complication of a subungual hematoma is a nail bed laceration (cut).
    • If trauma is severe (for example, an subungual hematoma of the surrounding soft tissue including the nail bed, lunula, nail plate, or nail matrix), the nail bed laceration can exist stitched closed later on the nail is partially or completely removed.
    • If the skin below the nail is lacerated, similar to whatsoever other peel cut, it may not heal properly without smash bed repair.
    • This complication can result in deformity of the new nail and the nail growth.
    • The deformity may be temporary and go away subsequently the nail grows out, or it may be permanent, and you may have an evidently deformed nail forever.
    • If y'all do non seek medical attending at all for a subungual hematoma (not recommended), and sometimes even if you lot do, and a significant injury occurs under the smash, the nail may completely fall off as information technology grows out as role of the natural healing procedure.
    • Despite best efforts by doctors and yourself at abode, blast deformity and permanent abnormalities tin result from such injuries.

Subungual Hematoma Pictures

A thumb after it was hit with a large hammer. Notice that the dark discoloration beneath the nail takes up more than 75% of the area. This is blood. This hematoma required drainage to relieve the pressure.

A thumb after it was hit with a big hammer. Notice that the dark discoloration below the nail takes up more than 75% of the expanse. This is blood. This hematoma required drainage to save the pressure level.

The battery-operated cautery unit and its tip when it is activated. Notice the red hot area used to burn the hole in the nail.

The battery-operated cautery unit of measurement and its tip when information technology is activated. Discover the ruby hot area used to burn the hole in the nail.

The process of burning a hole in the nail to relieve the hematoma. Notice the blood draining from the hole after the hole was formed with the cautery unit's hot tip. The finger has been numbed prior to this procedure.

The procedure of burning a pigsty in the nail to relieve the hematoma. Notice the blood draining from the hole after the pigsty was formed with the cautery unit's hot tip. The finger has been numbed prior to this process.

The same thumb after it has been drained. Notice the hole in the nail and the blood draining from the hole. The large dark area beneath the nail (the hematoma) is practically gone.

The aforementioned thumb after it has been drained. Discover the pigsty in the boom and the blood draining from the hole. The large dark area below the blast (the hematoma) is practically gone.

An example of a nail with a subungual hematoma that occupies less than 25% of the nail area. This hematoma did not require drainage.

An example of a nail with a subungual hematoma that occupies less than 25% of the nail area. This hematoma did non require drainage.

A paperclip opened for use in draining a subungual hematoma. The open end would be heated to allow it to make a hole in the nail.

A paperclip opened for use in draining a subungual hematoma. The open up end would be heated to permit information technology to brand a hole in the nail.


Emotional trauma is best described as a psychological response to a deeply sorry or life-threatening experience. Run across Answer

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Cause of a Subungual Hematoma

Finger injuries are common and range from minor cuts and scrapes to wounds with major damage to bone, tendons, and ligaments. If not treated properly, serious finger injuries can lead to permanent deformity and loss of function. Conscientious treatment allows for a faster and more consummate recovery. Many unlike types of finger injuries are mutual:

Fingernail injuries

  • The fingernail and the underlying boom bed are the well-nigh commonly injured role of the manus.
  • If a fingernail is injured by a straight blow, the underlying os may besides exist broken.


Bope, Edward T., and Rick D. Kellerman. Conn'southward Current Therapy 2012, 1st Ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2012.

Fastle, Rebecca K., and Joan Bothner. "Subungual hematoma." July v, 2018. <>.

Roberts, James R., and Jerris R. Hedges. Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 5th Ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2009.

Patient Comments & Reviews

  • Subungual Hematoma (Haemorrhage Under Smash) - Causes

    What caused your bleeding under the nail (subungual hematoma)?

    Post View 19 Comments
  • Subungual Hematoma - Handling

    What was the treatment for your subungual hematoma?



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